أهم براجرافات اللغة الانجليزية الصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023 ، براجرافات انجليزى اولى اعدادى الترم الأول 2023 ، تحميل براجرافات اولى اعدادى الترم الأول 2023 pdf
براجرافات انجليزى الصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023
موضوعات متعلقة
براجرافات اللغة الانجليزية مترجمة للصف الاول الاعدادي الترم الأول 2025 مستر صلاح عبد السلام
أقوى مراجعة فى ليلة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023 مستر محمد فوزى
كتاب GEM المراجعة النهائية فى اللغة الانجليزية للصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023
مذكرة المراجعة النهائية فى اللغة الانجليزية للصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023 مستر محمد جاد
مراجعة كتاب Bit by Bit لغة انجليزية للصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023
مراجعة كتاب المعاصر لغة انجليزية الصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023
محادثات لغة انجليزية نظام جديد الصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023
امتحانات كتاب الأضواء جميع مواد الصف الأول الاعدادى الترم الأول اختبار شهر نوفمبر 2023
براجرافات انجليزى اولى اعدادى ترم أول 2023 مستر وليد مرسى
1 - My family عائلتى
My name’s Waleed. I’m twelve years old. I live in Benha. My dad’s name is Ali. He’s 48 years old. He’s a
teacher. He works in a school. My mum’s name’s Aya. She’s a nurse.She works in a hospital. I have one brother
and one sister. They are Hossam and Nahla. My grandfather is called Sabry. He’s a farmer. He’s 65. My
grandmother is called Salma.She’s 62. I have two cousins. They’re Bahaa and Omar. They are aged10 and 12. I
love my family.
2 - My grandfather (A person in my family) شخص في عائلتى / جدى
My grandfather's name is Kamal. He's 65 years old. He lives on a farm in Benha. He's a farmer. He grows
fruits and vegetables. He keeps animals. He looks after his farm very well. I like his farm. His favourite food
is fish and rice. He doesn't like unhealthy food. He always advises me to eat healthy food. His hobbies are
reading and fishing. He reads every night. He loves history books. I usually visit him on Fridays. I love him so
much. He is a funny person.
3 - My hobby (Football) كرة القدم / ھوایتى
"Your favourite sport"الریاضة المفضلة
I’m Tarek. I like sports. Sports are very important for us. My favourite sport is playing football. It’s an
exciting sport. It’s popular all over the world. My favourite team is Al Ahly. My favourite player is Moamen
Zakaria. I play it every week on Mondays. I play it with my friends. We have a lot of fun. We play it at the
club for two hours. We watch football matches together after we do our homework. It’s my favourite time.
4 - Voluntary work العمل التطوعى
It's very important to help people who need our help. So, I do voluntary work. I do it once a week. Every
Saturday, I help in a children's hospital. I spend much time with them. We play games and watch videos. It's
important to help orphan children, too.They need our care.We can help them learn. Doing voluntary work is
very important, so weshould teach our children to do that.
5 - My daily life الحیاة الیومیة
My name's Basem. I go to a preparatory school in Giza. I usually get up at 7 o'clock. I wear my uniform and
I have my breakfast before going to school. I often walk to school in the morning. I have 8 lessonsa day. My
favouirte subject is maths. I like break time. We eat and play basketball in the playground. I leave school at
two fifteen. I always do my homework after school. I usually meet my friends to do some sports together. We
sometimes go out in the evening. I never sleep lateon school days.
6-Your favoutite subject المادة الدراسیة المفضلة
My favorite subject is English. I have English every day at school. My English teacher is very kind. He helps
me a lot. I have an English test weekly. I always get the top mark. I like watching English films on TV. I also
borrow books in English from the library. That helps me improve my language. I hope one day to travel to
England and live with those English people. That's my dream.
7 - My school journey رحلتى المدرسیة
My name's Marwa. I go to a preparatory school. I live in Luxor. I go to school with my friends. My school
is far from my house. It's about 3 kilometres. We travel to school by ferry. It takes about one hour to get
there. We arrive at school at 8 o'clock. We leave it at two thirty. I get home at three thirty every day. My
friendSama lives near our school, so she walks to school. We like our school very much. My teachers are so
kind. It's not an easy journey.
8 - School rules القواعد المدرسیة
It's very importanttofollowthe school rules.We should goto school on time. We shouldn't be late for our
lessons. We shouldn't forget our books. We should wear the school uniform. It's very important to listen to
our teachers. We shouldn't talk during lessons.We should study hard and do our homework. We should ask our
teacher for help if we have a problem. We must learn to follow the school rules.
9 - My sports star (Mohammed Salah) ﷴ صلاح نجمى الریاضي المفضل /
I like sports. My favourite sports star is Mohammed Salah. He plays football very well. He's quite short
for a footballer, but he has amazing skills. He's got curly hair and a moustache. He is good at scoring goals.
He's very fast. He plays for Liverpool. It's a very good team in Europe. He's very hard working. He started in
Al Mokaweloon. Then he played in Europe. He always talks to his fans. My friends and I love him so much.
10 - My favourite sportswoman نجمتى الریاضیة المفضلة
My favourite sportswoman is Habiba Marzouk. She is a gymnast. She is 18 and lives in Cairo with her
family. She has a very busy life. She goes to school and she studies hard. In the evenings, she trains for five
or six hours. She is a top gymnast in Africa and she wants to go to the Olympics. Habiba's family always helps
her. She eats healthy food so that she can stay strong. Gymnastics is a difficult sport but it makes her happy.
I love her so much.
11 - My best friend صدیقى المفضل
My best friend is called Fatma. We go to a preparatory school in Benha. She's got long straight hair. She's
got brown eyes. She's got a beautiful smile. She's very friendly. She helps her friends and she likes them
very much. She likes reading and playing squash. She loves reading short stories. She reads every day. She
plays tennis every Friday. I usually play with her. I like her because she's a lot of fun.
12 - Classroom objects الاشیاء المدرسیة
My name's Samy. My school is very big. I'm in classroom 1A. I love technology. We often use tablets in
school. They are very useful. There are four tablets in the classroom. There aren't any laptops, but my
teacher has a laptop.There's a printer, too. We use it to print our homework.I've got a mobile phone, but I
don't use it at school. I can use it at break. I can take selfies with my friends. I can send them text messages
and surf the internet.Technology makes our life easy and enjoyable.
13 - Modern technology التكنولوجیة الحدیثة
Today, modern technology is important. People use it every day in schools, at home and at work. More people
will use it in the future. People with many different jobs need it. They must understand how to use the latest
technology. We must follow it to improve ourselves. It helps us to live comfortably. It has made our life
easier. I love technology! My favourite hobby is playing video games. Sometimes I play them on my mobile
phone. I use a tablet to practise my English.
14 - How to stay safe online كیف تكون أمن على الانترنت
It's very important to use the internet, but we should be careful when we use it. Here are some advice to
use it safely. Keep your password secret. Don't tell anyone about it. Don't make friends with people you don't
know. Don't tell people your personal information like your telephone number, birth date or your address.
Don't send photos to people you don't know. Don't answer a phone call or video call from anyone you don't
know. If you are worried about something, tell a parent or a teacher.
15 - Nature الطبیعة
My name's Tarek. I'm a student at a preparatory in Benha. I love nature, I like walking and watching the
trees, animals, flowers and insects all around us. I don't like being in the house; I like being in the garden and
looking at the sky. At school, I always go outside at break. I go when it's very hot or cold! I love taking photos
of trees and seas. It's my favourite hobby.
16 - My visit to Alexandria زیارتى الى الاسكندریة
Last month, Adel and his family decided to go to Alexandria to spend their holiday there. They travelled
in their car. They left Cairo at eight o'clock. They arrived in Alexandria at twelve o'clock. They stayed at
their uncle's house which is near the sea. They enjoyed swimming in the sea and playing on the beach. They
also did some shopping at the Park Shopping Centre. He enjoyed his time with his cousins Hazim and Nada.
Really it was a very nice holiday.
17 - Downtown Café مقھى وسط البلد
I went to a café in Cairo last week. I went with my family. We went there to have lunch. We were very
hungry. We had fish and rice. The food was amazing. It tasted very delicious and we enjoyed it. Then, we
ordered some orange juice. We liked the juice a lot. It was tasty. After that, we had kunafa and basbousa for
dessert. I enjoyed basbousa most. It was a very good café. I will tell my cousins about it. Maybe we will go
next week.
18 - My holiday أجازتى
Holidays are a happy time for us. They are very important because they make us fresh again. Last
weekend, I went to Hurghada. It's a very beautiful city on the Red Sea. I went with my family. We went
there by bus. It took six hours to get there. We swam in the sea and made sandcastles. My sister, Nada,
learnt to swim. We enjoyed diving and fishing. We didn't see dolphins there, but it was a fantastic holiday.
19 - How to revise for the exam كیف تراجع للإمتحان
Here is some useful advice to help you revise for your exams in any subject. You should eat healthy food
because it is good for you. What should you eat if you are hungry? You shouldn't eat too many sweets. Choose
nuts or fruit instead. You should take a ten-minute break and do some exercise. You shouldn't stay up late at
night. If you don't get enough sleep, you won't be able to remember all the lessons that you've revised.
Finally, try to get calm before an exam.
20 - Healthy snacks وجبات خفیفة صحیة
I like healthy food. Eating healthy snacks is very important. It's good for our bodies. Some snacks are bad
for our health, so we shouldn't eat them. It's OK to eat crisps and cakes but not very often. Cakes have a lot
of sugar. Crisps have a lot of fat and salt. Fruit is very healthy for us. They give us energy. Beans and
vegetables are also very healthy. Also we should be careful we shouldn't drink too much fruit juice because it
has so much sugar. Being healthy can be difficult sometimes.
21 - What I do at the weekend ماذا نفعل فى اجازة نھایة الاسبوع
My name is Samir. I am a student at prep school. I never study at the weekend, but sometimes I read a book!
I often go shopping with my mum. When it is not very hot, at the weekend, I enjoy doing sports. I like playing
football with my friends in the sports club. I also enjoy swimming with my best friend Ahmed in the swimming
pool. In the evening, I go home, I take a shower and watch TV with my brother. I go to bed at nine o'clock.
22 - A visit to Paris زیارة الى باریس
The city of Paris is one of the most important cities in the world. Paris is the capital of France. Last summer I
visited Paris with my family. I had a wonderful time. We visited some nice places. It's a great city for a
holiday. We climbed the Eiffel Tower. It's one of the tallest buildings in the world. We visited the Louvre. It
is one of the most important museums around the world. We also bought souvenirs for our friends. At the
end, we were very happy.
23-"A review on your favourite book" مقال نقدى لكتاب مفضل
I love reading so much. Last week, I read a book about life in mountains. The book is good but it has some
information I don't believe so, I asked my teacher. He told me it is a children's story! I understood the point
and told the story to all my friends. They were very surprised when I told them. I think reading is very useful
for all people. I advise everyone to read a lot.
28-"Which do you like more, nature or technology ?" ایھما تحب الطبیعة ام التكنولوجیة
I love nature. I like walking and watching trees, animals, flowers and insects all around us. I don't like being in
the house; I like being in the garden and looking at the sky. At school, 1 always go outside at break. I go when
it's very hot or cold ! When I look at the sky, my eyes feel better. When I have fresh air, my body becomes
active. Nature is a great thing because God has given it to us. I think we should save nature and not to do
anything bad to it.
29-"Your favourite dish" الطبق المفضل
My favourite meal is Koshari. It is a delicious meal with rice, pasta and tomatoes. It is very popular in Egypt. I
love it very much. All my family love it. Koshari isn't eaten with meat. It is served only with vegetables. You
can eat it with salad. Some people eat it with hot sauce. I see that Koshari is healthy. Egyptians of all ages
like eating it. It is also not expensive.
30-"A traditional meal in Morocco" وجبة تقلیدیة فى المغرب
Tagine is a traditional meal in Morocco. It is a stew with meat, vegetables, fruit and spices. It has an amazing
taste. The name tagine comes from the cooking pot for this food. If you want to try this meal, you have to
visit Morocco. I went to Morocco last month. When I went to a restaurant to have lunch, I ate it. It is really
delicious. I found a tot of people order it. I like to eat it once again.
31-"A recipe for your favourite food" وصفة لطعامك المفضل
Most foreign food is delicious. Kapenta is a type of fish. It comes from Zimbabwe. They catch fish and dry it
in the sun. They often cook it with tomatoes and onions. Kapenta is very good for you. You can eat it every
day. If I go to Zimbabwe, I will eat it. I think you can find it at any restaurant there. It is really a healthy
meal. I want to try it one day because it is healthy and contains vegetables.
32-"Your favourite place" مكانك المفضل
Egypt has many interesting places to visit. The Pyramids in Giza is my favourite one, A lot of tourists come to
see them. The Pyramids were built thousands of years ago. They were built to bury kings. The Great Pyramid
is 137m high. There are a lot of souvenirs and other good presents to buy at the Pyramids, I also can see that
a lot of tourists like to buy souvenirs there. This place has taught me that the ancient Egyptians were great
33-"A picnic to Al Azhar Park" نزھة الى حدیقة الازھر
In October, we visited my uncle, aunt and cousins in Cairo. We had a picnic in Al Azhar Park. We ate delicious
food. Then/we played games. My brother, Ali rode his bike. We enjoyed our time. AI-Azhar Park is a beautiful
place to go to. You can do many activities. It's really wonderful. I hope to go there one day with my friends. I
think it will be a very nice trip. Having picnics is a good thing as it teaches me a lot about nature and makes me
feel better.
34-"A day on the beach" یوم على الشاطئ
Last summer, the weather was very hot. We decided to go to the beach in Hurghada. Hurghada is a beautiful
city. My sister Mariam made a sandcastle. I swam in the sea and climbed the mountains. We enjoyed our time
a lot. We went there in our car. I saw a lot of houses and hotels. There were also a lot of cafes. On the beach,
there were big ships and small boats. I saw different kinds of fish .
35"A trip you made" رحلة قمت بھا
Last summer, I went on a trip to London with my school. We went there by plane. My favourite place was
Windsor Castle. We went there by train. We walked around the castle. My favourite activity was a ride on the
London Eye. I was there for two weeks. This trip helped me to speak English all the time. It was really a nice
and useful trip. I hope to go there once more.
36- A person you admire in your family شخص تعجب بھ
The person I admire in my family is my grandfather. He was born in 1940. He worked as a doctor. He worked
in a big hospital. All people there liked him because he was kind and helpful. I admire him because he did
voluntary work and helped people for no money. I like him because he gave me many presents and helped me a
lot. He used to help the poor and give them money. He always advised me to help people all the times. When he
died last year, people were all sad. He left all his money for poor people and asked us to build a hospital for
37- Your typical school day یوم دراسي
I have a typical school day. I always get up at 6 o’clock. I wash and pray. I have breakfast with my family. My
father drives me to school because it is far away from our house. The roads are always busy and full of cars.
I arrived there nearly on time. Our lessons start at 8 o’clock. We have 6 lessons a day. We have Arabic,
English and science. After the break, we have Math, history and P.E. My school day finishes at 2 o’clock. I
return home and I do my homework in the evening.
38. Your favourite meal الوجبة المفضلة
The Egyptian food is very delicious. I like all kinds of food. The food I like most is Koshari. It is a delicious
meal. It is very popular in Egypt. The main ingredients of Koshari are rice, pasta and tomatoes. I like eating it
in a restaurant. I like it with many spices. I always put tomato sauce on the top. I sometimes have it with my
friends. I like it with onions and spicy ingredients. I will never stop eating it.
39- Healthy and unhealthy food الطعام الصحى
We should eat and drink healthy foods. We shouldn’t eat unhealthy food. It is bad for our body and health.
We should eat fruit and vegetables. We shouldn’t eat too many sweets because they are bad for our teeth.
We should drink much water. We shouldn’t drink fizzy drinks. They are not good for health. We shouldn’t
drink too much juice. It has a lot of sugar and this is bad for our body. We shouldn’t eat too many crisps
because they have a lot of fat and salt. Fat and salt are bad if we eat them much. I think milk and water are
good for us to keep us healthy.
40- The recipe of The Egyptian rice pudding وجبة الأرز بلبن
The Egyptian Rice Pudding is a delicious food that all people like to eat. To make this meal, we need some
ingredients. We need rice, water, milk some raisins, nuts and cinnamon. To cook this, we put the rice and
water in a saucepan. After that, we boil this for 20 minutes. We should add milk slowly as we stir. Then, we
add sugar and stir again. Finally, we put it into bowls and add raisins, cinnamon and nuts on the top.
41-How to make a video call كیف تجرى مكالمة فیدیو
Video calls are a new kind of technology. Video calls are an interesting way to contact your friends. To make a
video call, you can follow some instructions. First tap the video icon on your phone. Tap the name of the
person. Then say hello to your friend. Video calls are a good way for the deaf people.
42-A blog post about myself مدونة عن نفسى
Hi! My name is Ayman. I've got long, curly hair. I live in Suez with my mum, dad and two sisters. I'm
in prep one. I go to school on the school bus. All my teachers like me. I like them, too. My favourite
subjects are science and art. I don't like maths. I'm not good at numbers. I often play sports after
school. My favorite sport is karate. At home, I like reading and watching TV
43-My usual week اسبوعى المعتاد
I usually get up at seven o'clock. I like sports. I play basketball on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I go swimming
on Mondays and I play football on Sundays. I like watching football matches on TV on Saturdays. I really like
music. I like listening to music. I play the drums in a band. I also like playing chess with my brother in the
evenings. He usually wins. I sometimes do voluntary work. I like helping in the children's hospital. I play games
with the children and read them stories. It's great!
44-My journey to school رحلتى الى المدرسة
On school days, I get up at half past six. I have a shower, then I have my breakfast. I don't want to be
late for school. I like to arrive before the bell rings. I always go to school by bus. It always takes a long time
time to go to school. The streets in my town are always busy. I always talk to my friends on the bus. It's a
nice journey. I like it very much.
45-My classroom فصلى
I go to a prep school in our village. I have a big classroom. It is on the second floor in my school. There are
about forty eight students in my class. I have so many classmates. They like me and we all play together. We
have so many things in the class. We have three computers in the classroom. Also, we have two tablets to help
us study English and maths. I like my classroom because it is Always clean and our teachers are so friendly
46-What did I do last summer? ماذا فعلت فى اجازة الصیف السابقة ؟
Last summer, I went to Sharm El Sheikh. I went there with my family. We went there because the weather
was wonderful and the beaches were very interesting. I spent all the day on the beach making sandcastles and
swam in the sea. I camped next to a big mountain and saw its caves at night. We went shopping every day. I
bought nice souvenirs to my friends. Really, the place was attractive and everyone enjoyed the visit
47-Food we should or shouldn't eat الطعام الذى یجب ان نأكلھ ولا نأكلھ
Some people eat lots of pizzas, sweets, chips, cakes and biscuits. Unhealthy food makes your unhealthy body.
When you get older, you start to have some health problems. But, most of us don't think much about the
future. We only think about it today. We only think that hamburgers taste better than salad. We think drinks
with a lot of sugar are nicer than water. If you want to be healthy, you must eat healthy food and take some
exercise every day
تحميل براجرافات لغة انجليزية اولى اعدادى الترم الأول 2023 pdf
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