أهم براجرافات اللغة الانجليزية الصف الثانى الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023 ، براجرافات انجليزى ثانية اعدادى الترم الأول 2023 ، تحميل براجرافات تانية اعدادى الترم الأول 2023 pdf
براجرافات انجليزى الصف الثانى الاعدادى الترم الأول 2023
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مراجعة كتاب العمالقة فى ليلة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية بالإجابات للصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم اول 2023
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أقوى مذكرة قواعد لغة انجليزية للصف الثانى الاعدادى ترم أول 2023 مستر محمد فوزى
براجرافات انجليزى ثانية اعدادى ترم أول 2023 مستر وليد مرسى
1-My classroom فصلى الدراسى
I am in class 2c which is on the second floor. It's in front of the library. I like my classroom
so much. My classroom is very nice and wide. My friends and I keep our classroom clean. We
have a smart board. Our classroom is full of useful posters. There are thirty pupils in our
classroom. It is big. We enjoy learning our different lessons there. We spend most of our
school day in our classroom. I really enjoy my lessons in the classroom. It's really wonderful.
2-My school مدرستى
My school is very big. There are twenty classrooms in our school. I like my friends and my
teachers so much. My teachers are very helpful. They give us advice to be good pupils. There is
a big library in my school. The library is on the third floor. The pupils go to the library to read
or borrow books. There are many books there. At break, I talk to my friends and sometimes I
go to the library. The toilets are in the ground floor. They are clean.
3-My favourite subject مادتى الدراسیة المفضلة
English is my favourite subject. I like it because it helps me log into the internet. When I
grow up, I want to be a teacher of English. I revise my English lessons every day. Also, I speak
to my friends in class in English. Enough practice makes me perfect in English. It is spoken in
many countries all over the World. Ienjoy watching English films on TV. Sometimes I borrow
English books from the library and I enjoy reading them. The English language has 26letters
while Arabic language has 28 letters. What's yourfavourite subject?
4-The places of interest tourists like to visitالمكان المفضل للسیاح لزیارتھ
Tourists like visiting many places in Cairo.There are many historicalplaces in Cairo. The
Egyptian Museum is an important place to visit. They can enjoy watching the history of Egypt.
Cairo Tower, also, is a beautiful place. Tourists visit it to enjoy the beautiful view of Cairo and
the Nile.In Cairo, there's also the Citadel. It has a lot of important monuments. Many tourists
like to visit the Citadel. Qasr al-Nil Bridge is also famous in Cairo. From there, you can enjoy
seeing the view. Qasr al-Nil Bridge is near Cairo Tower.
5-A visit to the Egyptian Museum زیارة للمتحف المصري
To : Ramzy
From : Anas
Subject : A visit to the Egyptian Museum
Dear Ramzy,
How are you? I want to tell you about my visit to the Egyptian Museum last Friday. I
went there with my family in my father's car. Do you know that there are about 136,000
historical objects in the museum? I saw the statue of Tutankhamun and his jewellery. The
Egyptian Museum is the biggest Museum in Egypt. The Egyptian Museum is in Cairo. Many
tourists visit it. Some of them take pictures of the wonderful monuments there. I'll tell you
when I go to visit it again.Yours,Anas
6-A picnic at the weekend نزھة فى عطلة الاسبوع
A day I spent on my uncle's farm یوم قضیتھ ف مزرعة عمى
Last weekend, I went to my uncle's farm in Fayoum. I spent a nice day with my cousins. We
played and enjoyed the fine weather in the fields. My uncle keeps many animals. I helped him
feed these animals. He keeps goats and camels. He gets meat and milk from goats. He uses his
camels to carry things from place to place. He also grows vegetables and fruits. They are very
nice and healthy. It was a very nice holiday. I was very happy and enjoyed a lot. I want to go
there soon.2
7-My job in the future وظیفتى فى المستقبل
Do you think about your job in the future? I want to be a doctor. My father helps me to study
well. Iwant to have a big hospital. I'll help poor people.Keeping healthy is very important. So, I
like to help people get well. That's my hope to be a doctor. So, I work hard at school to get
high marks. DrMagdyYaqoub is my hero. He has a big hospital. He helps poor people who are
sick. He does his best to help them get better. Can you tell me about your job in the future?
8-Sports are good for health الریاضة مفیدة للصحة
Doing sports is very important for everyone. It helps us to do well in our study. It also makes
our bodies strong and active. There are many kinds of sports. Many people prefer football.
Others prefer some difficult and dangerous sports such as boxing. Doing sports is very good
for your health. So, I advise everyone to practise a sport. You can play sports at your school.
You can also go to a club. I'm really tall, so I like playing basketball with my friends.
9-The Egyptian football player you like most اللاعب المصرى الذى احبھ
Mohammed Salah is my favourite football player, I like him so much. He plays for Liverpool
team and scored many goals. Also,he scored important goals for our National Team. All people
love him. Heencourages other football players to do well. He played for many teams. In Egypt,
he played for Al-Mokaweloon team. Then, he played for other teams in other countries. He
played in Switzerland and Italy. Now, he plays in England. Many people all over the world like
him. He is also kind to people and helps the poor. He is very famous all over the world.
10-A famous sportsman ریاضى مشھور
Muhammad Ali Clay is the most famous sportsman of the 20th century. He was a great
boxer. At the age of 18, he won a gold medal in the Olympics in Rome. All people from all over
the world loved him so much. After he retired from boxing in 1981, Muhammad Ali did a lot of
charitable projects. Muhammad Ali died on June 3rd, 2016, aged 74. I watch his boxing
matches on my laptop. He was a very strong boxer.He won a lot of matches. He was really a
wonderful boxer.
11-My hero بطلى
To : Rashwan
From : Mohammed
Subject : My hero
How are you and your family? It's nice to write you this email I want to tell you about my
hero. My father is my hero. My fatheris a teacher of history. He knows lots of historical
information. All the students like him because he is kind and helpful. He works hard to make us
live a comfortable life.l'm very proud of my father and when I grow up, I want to be like him.
I'm waiting your reply. Can you tell me about your hero?
Yours, Mohammed
12-An accident you saw on your way home حادثة رأیتھا فى طریقك للبیت
I want to tell about an accident I saw on my way home.Yesterday, I saw a bad accident in the
street. A bus hit a small car.Three people were injured. Many people came to help, but I used
my mobile to call for help. The ambulance took them to hospital, I felt so sorry for them. So, I
took a taxi and went to the hospital. The doctors came quickly and helped them. They gave
them medicine. Fortunately, it was not dangerous.3
13-A prize you got in a competition جائزة فزت بھا فى مسابقة
Last week, I won a prizefor running. I could run three kilometresin thirteen minutes. I like
running so much, I was very proud when I got the prize I hope I'll be a famous runner. Also, I
want to be in the Olympics. When i showed the prize to my family, they were very happy. My
father asked me to practise well and do a lot of exercises. Getting a prize encourages me to
dowell. My mother also asked me to study hard I want to be successful in mystudy and running.
14-Firefighters رجال الاطفاء
Firefighters are brave people. They do their best to save people's life. They can save people
from dangerous fire. Also, they like helping others. They are very fast in their moving towards
fire. They can climb up high buildings using ladders to keep people's lives. They use water to put
out fire. They have many tools to help them in their work. They really do hardwork. In this way,
they should be thanked for their hard work. Thanks for allof them.
15-Computers كمبیوتر
Computers are important for three main reasons. They are flexible, accurate and they can
store lots of information in their memory. Computers are now used in banks to store
information about people's money, at home and in factories. The internet allows people to
communicate with anyone around the world in seconds. Most books are now made with the help
of computers. Even doctors use computers to help them examine their patients. We can say
that we use computers in everything in our daily life.
16-School rules القواعد المدرسیة
School rules are important. The best thing to do in the morning is toarrive at school before
lessons start. We must be polite in class. We must put our hands up to ask a question in class.
We mustn't talk with our friends during the lessons. The best time to talk to your friends is
when we are at break. We mustn't play in the classroom. We mustn't run in the corridor. We
mustn't talk in the library. It's important tobe safe in the laboratory.
17-My bedroom حجرة نومى
I live in a flat with my family. It has got two bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen and a living
room and a bathroom. It's in a big city. Our flat is very comfortable. My bedroom has a big
window with curtains. When I open the curtains, the room is very bright with sunlight. My bed
is under the window. I have a wardrobe in front of the bed. I put my clothes there. There is a
mirror next to the wardrobe. There's also a lamp next to the bed. The bathroom is next to my
bedroom. It's big. It has a nice basin there. In the evenings, I like to read in bed or watch TV.
Sometimes I sleep with the curtains open
18-Someone I'm proud of شخص ما انا فخور بھ
of all the members in my family, my mother is the person 1 am proud of. She is 40 years. She
looks much younger than her age with short hair and a beautiful face. She works hard. At work,
she is respected by all of her friends. She is a useful person in society. My mother always does
the housework well. She is a very good cook. I really admire her for her wonderful dishes. She
often spends her free time cooking delicious dishes for us, which makes everyone in my family
happy. What's more, my mother is an excellent adviser. I always love her and I will always be
proud of her.4
19-A historic place you visited مكان تاریخى قمت بزیارتھ
I visited one of the greatest historic places in India, the Taj Mahal in Agra. I went there with
my mum and dad. It is very huge in size. I studied about the Taj Mahal at school, I also saw its
pictures. But watching it with my eyes was like a dream that came true. It was built by Shah
Jahan around 1630s. He built it as a gift to his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. This history made it more
interesting. It took around 22 years to build. People think that Shah Jahan cut off the hands
of the workers who built it sothat no similar building could be built. Therefore, this is one of
the most awesome historic places.
20-Random acts of kindness یوم الاعمال الطیبة العشوائیة
It’s important to do random acts of kindness.The smallest things can make others smile. I
think that if you do something kind to someone, they will takethat act of kindness and move it
to people they come across during their day. It's the smallest things that make the biggest
differences. For example, holdingthe door for someone who has their hands full or smiling at a
stranger as they pass by, these little things let people know that someone cares about them.
Today, before you go to bed, do a random act of kindness. It can be to someone you know or
someone who is a complete stranger, but it has to be random. Someday you will receive a
random act of kindness in return
21-Recycling اعادة التدویر
Recycling is important in today's world if we want to keep this planet clean for our future
grandchildren. It is good for the environment because we are making new products from the old
products which aren't used anymore. Recycling begins at home. If you are not throwing away
any of your old products and instead reusing them for something new, then you are recycling.
Recycling can benefit your community and the environment. It helps in reducing air and water
pollution. Try to buy products that are made from recycled materials. There are some examples
of paper, metal and plastic. Before throwing anything, think about how to reuse it.
22-Climate change تغیر المناخ
Climate change means the change in the world's climate and temperature. Climate change is
causing different kinds of unusual acts in the world's climate. It is the most discussed topic at
the moment all over the world. There are many causes for climate change. Firstly, global
warming is the main reason for it. Secondly, environment pollution is the main reason for
climate change. Thirdly, cutting down trees is another cause of the problem. Climate change
causes rise in temperature, floods, drought and ice melting which will seriously affect farming
and all living things. We should reduce the bad results of climate change. Planting trees can
reduce global warming. We should stop using bad chemicals which can reduce environmental pollution.
23-A story you read قصة قرأتھا
To : Basmala
From : Rahma
Subject : A story I read
Dear Basmala,
Greetings! How are you and your family? I hope you all are in good health. I'm very happy to
write this email to you. I like reading very much. I read a story by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
It's called A Little Princess. It's about a small girl whose father died and she became poor. She
was in a boarding school. The head teacher made her a servant, but Sara behaved well like a
princess. I recommend this story to you. It's really fantastic. I look forward to hearing from
you. Write soon.5
24-A school day یوم دراسي
My school day starts early in the morning. I get up at 6 o'clock. I wash and have my breakfast.
After that, I get dressed and pack my bag . Then I go to school on foot as my school is near my
house. I have many subjects at school. I have my science lessons in the laboratory. I do
exercises in the gym. I go to the library to read book. During the break, I eat a sandwich and
talk to my friends. After school , I go home. I have my lunch with my family. Next I do my
homework. I watch TV . I have dinner. Finally I go to bed at 10 o'clock.
25-My school library مكتبة مدرستى
We all agree that the school library plays a great role in our life. They have a lot of books in
all shbjects. Our school has a very beautiful library. It is on the second floor next to the lab. It
also has a computer. I go there twice a week. I can read and borrow books there. I like reading
short stories. The librarian helps us there. She shows us where to find the books we need and
tells us to be quiet . she also asks us to keep it clean . I like going there very much.
26-A visit to the Pyramids زیارة الى الاھرامات
We all agree that going on picnics is very enjoyable. It renews our energy. It is also great fun.
As for me I like going on picnics very much. The last time I went on a picnic was last week. I
went to the Pyramids. I got up early in the morning. I took my mobile, some sandwiches, some
juice. And of course some money. I went there with my friends. We went there by bus. We
arrived at 10 o'clock. We saw a lot of tourists there. I took a lot of photos. We played and
enjoyed very much. I rode a camel there. The Pyramids are very beautiful. I was very happy . it
was a nice day.
27-(An interesting place) مكان رائع
Egypt has a lot of interesting places. I like many places in Egypt. I like visiting Ras El-Bar. It is
in Damietta. It is a very beautiful resort. Many people like visiting it . It has very beautiful
views of the Nile and the Sea. I go there in the summer . I go with my family. We stay in a flat
by the sea. I enjoy swimming and playing there. I also enjoy shopping there. There are a lot of
things to do and see there. I love it very much
28-Your favourite sport الریاضة المفضلة
We all agree that sport is very important in our life. It helps us to be fit and makes our body
strong. It is also great fun. As for me I love sport very much. My favourite sport is football. I
play it in my free time. I play it with my friends. I play it in the club. I 'm in my school team. I
like scoring goals very much. My favourite player is Mohamed Salah. He plays for Liverpool. He
is the best player in Africa. He is very fast. My favourite team is I like watching football
matches on TV.
I'd like to be a famous player one day
29-Your hero ( the person you admire most )بطلك ) الشخص الذي تعجب بھ (
In our life there are a lot of people but a few people who we admire most. They have
something different from other people. As for me , my hero is my grandfather. He is 65 years
old but he is still working. He is a doctor. He is very clever. He is very kind. He helps poor
people. He works hard. He teaches me to be helpful to other people. He also teaches me to play
chess and he usually plays with me. I'd like to be like him.6
30-Your favourite hobby الھوایة المفضلة
We all agree that doing a hobby is very enjoyable for us. It gives us the chance to feel happy.
It helps us to spend our free time in a useful way. As for me my favourite hobby is reading. I
like reading stories very much. I usually go to the school library to borrow stories. I usually
read at home. I read in my free time. It gives me a lot of information. It feeds my mind. It
makes me know a lot of things. I love it very much
31-Your daily routine الروتین الیومى
My name's .......................... I’m thirteen years old. My daily routine is the same
every day. I like getting up early, so I always get up at 6 in the morning. My mum
always makes my breakfast. I always help her make it. Then I have a shower and put
on my school uniform. I always go to school by bus with my friends Ali and Ahmed.
Sometimes we listen to music. My parents work at the nearby hospital. They get
home late, so I often help to make dinner. In the evening, I do my homework, read on
the sofa, watch TV and text my friends. I always go to bed at 9
32-whatyou and your family usually do in the holidays ماذا تفعل فى الاجازات
We all agree that holidays are very important in our life. They give us a chance to have some
rest. They also help us to renew our life and have some fun. As for my family , we don't get up
early in the holidays. We do a lot of things in the holidays. We usually go to Ras el-bar and
enjoy the sea and the beach. We like going to the Nile. We sometimes go to the park in New
Damietta. We play there and enjoy the fresh air. We also vist our grandparents in Sanania. I
love holidays very much.
33-People and jobs الناس والوظائف
In fact people have different jobs. Everyone should do the job they like. Some people are
police officers. They are important. A police officer drives around the city and makes sure that
people are safe in streets. He/ She catches thieves and helps make traffic better. Some people
are nurses. They are very important, too. A nurse helps look after patients in hospitals. Some
people are street-food sellers. A street-food seller always works in streets. That’s why their
job is hard. He/She prepares food for people to eat. Some people are call-centre workers. A
call-centre worker speaks to people on the phone. He/She helps them with their problems
34-Helping the environment مساعدة البیئة
Environment is the nature in which animals, plants and people live. It's important to look after
the environment. There are many ways to do the: can plant trees. We can recycle rubbish. We
mustn’t' t throw waste in river; should use green means of transport. We can live a happy life if
we do r things. We shouldn’t throw plastic bottles or rubbish in rivers. We should use these
cars. Electric Cars are very useful to the environment. We should keep: clean environment to
live a happy life
.35-The importance of water أھمیة الماء
We all agree that water is very important. We cannot live without it. Water makes up a half of
our body weight. Water is necessary for drinking, bathing, cleaning, and washing and so on. We
must save and recycle water. People should not waste water. Some people waste a lot of water
by their cars. We should take a five-minute bath to save water. We should clean the lakes.
People mustn't throw rubbish in rivers. They should help them all the time.7
36-“Jobs at home”وظائف فى البیت
I share a bedroom with my sister and we are sometimes quite messy, so we usually
tidy up every evening before we go to bed. We put away all our clothes and books.
Twice a week, my brother and I take out the rubbish. We do it together because the
bins are quite heavy. My parents donate money to a charity which helps a local school
for disabled people. We think it is important to help people in the community
37-How you could help people in your community كیف تساعد المجتمع
I can do many acts of kindness to people in my community. I can work as a volunteer in a
charity or hospital. I can pick up rubbish and put it in bins. I can help myneighbours by doing
the shopping. I can donate things and money to a charity. I have to help my old neighbours. I
have to keep the street clean. This helps the street cleaners so much. I have to help beggars
who are hungry. I have to be helpful in my community
38-An object in your home شء فى بیتك
I'd like to describe my favourite object in my home. It’s a vase. My friend Samy
bought the vase from Aswan in 2000. It is made of clay and it was made in Egypt. The vase is
fantastic. It is coloured beautifully. I put fresh flowers in this vase every morning. At present,
this vase is kept on my desk. It makes my desk more wonderful. This painting always reminds me
of my grandfather because it is the best present I got from him. I like it very much. Paintings
make walls look beautiful. So I put it on the wall of my room. I feel happy when I look at it. My
grandfather bought it when I succeeded in my exams.
39-What you used or didn't use to do when you were young ماذا اعتدت ولم تعتاد علیة
That was so long ago, I don't remember. I used to spend time by myself. I didn't use it to go
out a lot. I used to do many things. When I was young, I used to get up early and leave the
house and go wherever I wanted to go on my bike. When I got home From school, I used to do
my homework, then go out and play with all the other kids. I didn't use to help my mum with
cooking. We used to live in a village when I was a kid. There didn't use to be a supermarket
there. In the summers, we used to run to get ice-cream. I used to go swimming every Thursday
when I was young. We used to go to the same beach every summer
40-How life used to be different in ancient Egyptكیف كانت الحیاة مختلفة فى مصر القدیمة
Life in Ancient Egypt was different to today. Poor children didn
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