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تحميل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة الدور الثاني 2018- موقع مدرستي

تحميل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة الدور الثاني 2018- موقع مدرستي

امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة الدور الثاني 2018

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  متابعي موقع مدرستي التعليمي ننشر لكم امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة الدور الثاني 2018، تحميل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي  الدور الثاني 2018 نسخة pdf  بجودة عالية.
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امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث الثانوي الدور الثاني 2018

امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للشهادة الثانوية الدور الثاني 2018 ، امتحان الانجليزي ثانوية عامة دور ثاني 2018، تحميل امتحان الانجليزي ثانوية عامة دور ثاني 2018، امتحان الانجليزي ثانوية عامة دور ثاني 2018pdf

Arab Republic of Egypt

GSEC 2018 Second Session English Exam
Respond to each of the following situations:
1) Your brother is brilliant. Ask him about his studying habits.
2) Your friend asks about your favourite kind of books.
3) Ask your mother how to make pizza.
4) You are invited to spend a week in Alexandria. Refuse politely.
Mention the place, the speakers and the language function:
1) A: I want to renew my driving licence, please.
B: Ok. Fill in this form.
2) A: I'm sorry sir; I haven't pressed your pants yet.
B: When can I take them?
A: Tomorrow morning, sir.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1) Leila fell off her bed and broke an arm. I'm sure she …… asleep.
a. must be b. can't have been c. must have been d. can't be
2) Helping the homeless all over the world is one of the main …….. of a UN agency.
a. superstitions b. missions c. submission d. progression
3) You have to wear …….. clothes for an interview.
a. casual b. formal c. old fashioned d. informal
4) You ……….. to buy a dictionary. I'll lend you mine.
a. have b. had c. didn't have d. don't have
5) She asked me an embarrassing question ……… I couldn't reply.
a. in which b. to which c. of which d. at which
6) My aunt's wedding was the best …….. I went to.
a. coronation b. graduation c. foundation d. occasion
7) International newspapers have ……... everywhere to cover current events.
a. actors b. civil engineers c. correspondents d. celebrities
8) If Azza passed her exam, she ……… a party.
a. wouldn't have had b. would have c. will have d. would have had
9) When we burn wood, carbon dioxide ……… .
a. is produced b. produces c. produce d. is producing
10) As you are tolerant, you should never think of …………. .
a. change b. forgiveness c. revenge d. exchange
11) My parents ……..… football matches as a waste of time.
a. regard b. discard c. depart d. guard
12) ……. Is a natural phenomenon when there is no rain for a long time.
a. Drought b. Lightning c. Thunder d. Draught
13) I ………. nobody at school until the staff had arrived.
a. didn't meet b. had met c. hadn't met d. met
14) As soon as I'd finished a novel, I ………. start the next one.
a. will b. had c. can d. would
15) The investigator asked the witness what … at the scene of the accident the day before.
a. did he see b. he had been seen c. had he seen d. he had seen
16) The court found him ……… so he was released.
a. guilty b. envious c. innocent d. evil
Find the mistake in SIX ONLY of the following, then correct them:
1) An astronomer is someone who travels and works in a spacecraft.
2) My grandfather has a kind character. He always satisfies our needs.
3) Like other kinds of music, pop music is popular with youth.
4) Although revising for exams are essential, students don't give it due care.
5) I was about to throw at my watch since it stopped working.
6) Some pilots succeeded in doing long distance flights.
7) When she was young, she used to be naughty, but now she didn't.
8) How long is it since you get married?
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
If you plan on going to Hawaii, don't bring any pets. Hawaiians are wary of letting in foreign animals. They have strict rules for importing animals. They screen all incoming pets as they've had problems with new animals in the past.
The black rat was introduced to Hawaii in the 1780s. Since then, black rats have been pests. They have feasted on sea turtle eggs. They've been a cause of the extinction of more than 70 species of Hawaiian birds. Black rats threaten humans. They spread germs and diseases. Rats eat more than 20% of the world farmed food. And that's why the Hawaiians imported 72 mongooses and began to breed them to kill rats. However, when mongooses got to Hawaii, they didn't wipe out rats as plantation owners hoped to. They became friends with rats. So, now Hawaii has two unwanted guests defacing the natural beauty.
Answer the following questions
1) What made the Hawaiians feel disappointed?
2) In what way were black rats harmful to birds and people?
3) What precautions did Hawaiians take after the problem of black rats occurred?
Choose the correct answer:
4) The underlined word "wary" means ………. .
a. careless b. careful c. harmful d. calm
5) Mongooses are animals which ………. .
a. originated in another country b. solved the problem
c. kept the natural beauty in Hawaii d. originated in Hawaii
Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Yoga was initially practised 5000 years ago in India where it was a tradition that was related to both religion and culture. Prior to the 19th century, yoga wasn't well understood and was rarely practised in other parts of the world. The introduction of yoga to other countries is attributed to the yoga master Swami Vivekanda who was a great traveller, too.
Many types of yoga are practised from traditional styles such as hatha to modern versions as laughter yoga. For fans of yoga, it is the main workout because it involves both the body and the mind. There are many health benefits associated with it. It helps you be more flexible, stronger and relieves stress. Some yoga teachers claim that just half an hour of yoga style called yoga nidra is equivalent to two or three hours of sleep.
Answer the following questions:
1) What was yoga connected with in the Indian society?
2) To what extent is yoga beneficial?
3) How was Swami Vivekanda able to spread yoga?
Choose the correct answer:
4) According to the passage, the underlined word "involves" means ………. .
a. excludes b. includes c. contains d. relieves
5) Before the 19th century, yoga practice was ……… .
a. uncommon b. traditional c. common d. popular
A) Answer the following questions:
1) How was Antoinette de Mauban of great help to Rassendyll?
2) What made Rassendyll stop at Zenda on arriving at Ruritania?
3) What did Rose blame Rassendyll for?
4) According to Johann, why wasn't it easy to sleep at the castle of Zenda?
B. Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
"If you let your prisoner go free, I can help you."
1 Who was the speaker? To whom?
2) Why was it important to set the prisoner free?
3) What was the addressee's reply?
C. find the mistakes in two only of the following sentences,.
1) Sapt explained to Fryler that the King caught his finger in a window.
2) After eating the cakes, the King was breathing normally.
3) Michael's men were carrying guns to hide their evil deed.
Write a paragraph about (100) words on Only One (1) of the following:
A) Great national projects which have taken place in Egypt
B) Travelling abroad
A) Translate into Arabic:
Advanced information technology has become a new trend for many reasons. It facilitates communication, saves time and effort. It also enables us to obtain the information necessary for professional development.
B) Translate TWO only of the following sentences into English:
1- يتطلب تحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي من الغذاء استخدام أساليب الزراعة الحديثة.
2-يجرى العلماء الكثير من التجارب على الدواء قبل توفيره في الأسواق.
3- أعتقد أن الناس سوف تستمر في قراءة الكتب من أجل المتعة.

Ala'a Eldin


تحميل امتحان اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة الدور الثاني 2018

English Exam Third Grade Secondary Second Session
تنسيق Ala'a  Eldin Mr.
3 صفحات بصيغة PDF
حجم الملف 1 ميجا
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تابعونا على جروب  ثانوية عامة طريق التفوق   وتابعوا أقوى وأحدث المذكرات والمراجعات 

امتحان اللغة الانجليزية تالته ثانوي الدور الثاني 2018

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