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 دروس الاستماع لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية ثالثة ثانوى الجديد 2019 – مستر بيومى غريب - موقع مدرستى
دروس الاستماع لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية ثالثة ثانوى الجديد 2019 – مستر بيومى غريب

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم  متابعي موقع مدرستي التعليمي ننشر لكم نصوص الاستماع لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الجديد للصف الثالث الثانوى 2019 ، بصيغة الوورد من اعداد مستر بيومى غريب .
 يقدم لكم موقع مدرستي التعليمي أفضل واحدث المذكرات والملخصات  والكتب الدراسية لجميع الطلاب في جميع المراحل التعليمية ، ابتدائي ، وإعدادي ، وثانوي ، أهم واحدث إخبار التعليم ، مذكرة مراجعة ليلة الامتحان ، والأسئلة المتوقعة في امتحانات المواد المختلفة ، نقوم كذلك بنشر احدث الكتب الدراسية من موقع وزارة التربية والتعليم ، مذكرات الشرح ، تلخيص المواد والمناهج بشكل مبسط وشامل ، مذكرات المراجعة نقوم كذلك بنشر أوراق الامتحانات الفعلية بعد انتهاء زمن الامتحان مباشرة ، مذكرات التأسيس في اللغة الانجليزية ، نماذج بوكلت امتحانات الثانوية العامة في كل المواد عام ولغات، إجابات نماذج امتحانات بوكلت الثانوية العامة2018 ،كورسات اللغة الانجليزية ، نقدم لكم أفضل الطرق التي تساعدكم على المذاكرة الصحيحة للحصول على أعلى الدرجات والتفوق ، لا تنسى أن تراسلنا في حالة وجود أي شكوى أو اقتراح أو تواجه أي مشكلة في تحميل الملف ، تم النشر من خلال موقع مدرستي التعليمي للمناهج التعليمية والمراجعات النهائية لجميع الصفوف والمواد ونتائج الامتحانات ، مع تمنياتنا للجميع بالنجاح والتوفيق.

دروس الاستماع لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية ثالثة ثانوى الجديد 2019 – مستر بيومى غريب

ننشر لمعلمى اللغة الانجليزية نصوص الاستماع لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية الجديد للصف الثالث الثانوى لعام 2019، دروس استماع ثالثة ثانوى لغة انجليزية منهج جديد 2019 بصيغة الوورد.

Download the listening texts of the new English language curriculum 2019 for the third grade secondary
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8 صفحات بصيغة WORD
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جزء من المذكرة يشمل نصوص الاستماع لأول ثلاث وحدات

Unit one
Listening Text
  Interviewer  : When did you start writing?
  Writer         : I first wrote stories and poems when I was at primary school.
  Interviewer  : What was the first thing you wrote?
  Writer         : When I was seven, I wrote a poem which won second prize in a national competition
                       for school children
  Interviewer  : When did you start writing stories?
  Writer         : When I was at university I wrote short stories for a student magazine.  My head
                       was always full of ideas.  While I was finishing one story, I was planning the next one
  Interviewer  : Didn’t you get confused?
  Writer         : Not really. I used to write very quickly- I finished most short stories in two or three
                       days.  As soon as I had finished one story, I started the next one
  Interviewer  : Do you still write like that
  Writer         : No, I don’t write short stories now. Now I only write novels. They take much longer
  Interviewer  : So how do you write now?  Do you have a fixed routine?
  Writer         : Yes.  I write from nine in the morning till three in the afternoon, with a ten-minute
                       break for coffee at midday. 
  Interviewer : Do you use a computer
  Writer         : No, I’m old-fashioned. I use a pencil and paper.  I used a computer for a few
                       weeks, but it gave me a headache.  So, first I write something by hand, then
                       my secretary types it onto the computer.  My publisher insists that I send everything
                      as an e-mail attachment
  Interviewer  : How many words do you usually write?
  Writer         : I write one thousand new words a day for a week, then I spend two or three
                       days checking the week’s work until I’m completely happy. I’d changed my last
                       novel six times before I was happy with it.
  Interviewer  : Do you show other people?
  Writer         : No, not until a novel’s almost finished.  Then I give it to two or three good friends
                      and ask them for the opinions
  Interviewer  : Do they ever tell you they don’t like what you’ve written
  Writer         : Yes! Last year both of the people who read one of my books said they didn’t like
                       how my story ended.  So I changed it
  Interviewer  : What did you think of the ending of your last story?
  Writer         : When I finished it, I thought it was my best ending yet!
  Interviewer  : That’s very interesting. Thank you for talking to me.
  Writer  :  You’re welcome      

Unit Two
Listening Text
Interviewer:  Many people have grown up reading the books of Abdel-Tawab Youssef. In Fact, I have just finished one of his books, called MY FATHER, AN EGYPTIAN TEACHER. With me today is Mrs Abdelaziz: She has written a book about why the writer became successful. So, Mrs Abdelaziz, Was Youssef from Cairo?
Mrs Abdelaziz:  No, he wasn’t, although he lived all his life there. He was born in 1928 in a small village near Beni Suef. When he was a child, he loved to read children’s books and also loved writing.
Interviewer: Did he go to university?
Mrs Abdelaziz: Yes, in 1945 he started studying political science at Cairo University. He graduated in 1950 and then worked for the Egyptian Ministry of Education but six months later, his father died.
Interviewer: That must have been a difficult time for him.
Mrs Abdelaziz: That’s right. He wanted to live in Cairo with his mother and his three younger sisters. His uncles didn’t think that was a good idea, but he wanted to earn enough money to send his sisters to school, which was unusual at that time.
Interviewer: When did he start writing children book?
Mrs Abdelaziz: He didn’t start for many years. He married Noaila Rashed in 1956 and they had three children. He set up the Children’s Culture Association in 1968 and he travelled to many countries to study children’s culture, but he didn’t start writing until 1975.
Interviewer: What happened then?
Mrs Abdelaziz: Well, in 1957, started writing children’s stories for radio and television. The stories were very successful and so he started to write novels, poems and plays, often about important events and people in the world. He won many awards for his writing.
Interviewer: Are his books only famous in Egypt?
Mrs Abdelaziz: No. Since he became famous in Egypt, people have translated his books into many languages, including English, French and Chinese. Abdel-Tawab Youssef travelled a lot too. In 1985, he lectured at the university of Ohio in the United States about writing for children and the importance of Arabic literature. He died in 2015, aged 87.
Interviewer: His books have influenced children for many years, and I am sure children will continue to enjoy his books in the future. Thank you!

Unit Three
Kasim   : Hi, Ziad.
Ziad      : Hi, Kasim.
Kasim   : What are you looking at?
Ziad      : It's an e-book reader. I'm going to read an e-book on it. It's a novel by William Golding.
Kasim   : What are e-books?
Ziad      : They're electronic books. I read one last week. Now I'm really enthusiastic about the idea of using them to read all my books.
Kasim   : How do you read them?
Ziad      : Well, you download the them from the internet onto an e-book reader, like this one. As you can see, it is a small computer about the same size as a paperback. It has a screen like the page of a book. So you read the book on the screen and turn the pages by pressing buttons or by touching the screen.
Kasim   : But surely you can't download all kinds of books?
Ziad      : You can download many kinds of books, but in the future, they'll probably publish every new book as an ordinary book and as an e-book.
Kasim   : That sounds amazing, but if you have to pay for the reader and the download, that must be expensive.
Ziad      : At the moment e-book readers are quite expensive, but I'm sure the publishers will reduce the price when more people buy them. New gadgets are always expensive when only a few people are buying them.
Kasim   : Do you think publishers will ever replace traditional books completely?
Ziad      : No, I don't think so. But when more books are available online, I think we'll read most bestsellers as e-books. On the other hand, I'm sure publishers won't replace some kinds of books.
Kasim   : Yes, books that are large or where pictures are important.
Ziad      : E-books are good for the environment, too.
Kasim   : Are they?
Ziad      : Yes, think of all the paper that we can save.
Kasim   : It's a great idea.
Ziad      : This is my cousin's e-book reader, but I really like it, so my father is buying me one for my next birthday.
Kasim   : There's a programme about the future of books on TV. The programme starts at seven o'clock tomorrow evening. I think I'll watch that programme. Will you watch it with me?
Ziad      : I'd like to, but I can't. I'll be reading tomorrow evening. I want to finish the book by William Golding.
Kasim   : You've read a lot of his books, haven't you?
Ziad      : Yes. After I finish this book, I'll have read all of his novels.

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      نصوص الاستماع لمنهج اللغة الانجليزية للثانوية العامة 2019


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  • ibrahim khalil

    Thanks for this great and useful effort.I'm really obliged.

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